Applying Fundamentals to Real World Situations



It has been exactly three months since this program started and I can truly say it has been a roller coaster (but a good thing lol). I met a lot of new people during my time here, created friendships that will go beyond this program, and networked with many intelligent professionals these past few weeks! Early October I met an MS2 student while getting lost in the Hutchinson Building, I can truly say it all worked out for my own good! She has helped me emotionally and academically by giving me so many gems and knowledge for my current program and my future years in medical school. She was also a student in this Pharm masters program which made it so crazy and cool all in one! Another crazy thing that happened is I was able to use the fundamentals that we are studying in class in real-world applications. About two weeks ago while completing my other community service in LSU Health,  one of the toddlers that I teach in the Early Learning Center was having breathing problems. His lips turned blue, constantly wobbling and falling over objects. Early that morning, we just went over sympathetic/ parasympathetic nervous system drugs and one of them was Methacholine (asthma testing). From using my knowledge and the materials we had just gone over in lectures I was able to determine and predict the child may have indications of asthma (lips turning blue indicating his oxygen levels have dropped ... hence the breathing problems) I told the mother the doctor will most likely administer a methacholine test to see if he has asthma and further explained the process of the drug/treatment. She took her son to their primary care pediatrician later that afternoon and behold they did exactly what I predicted, administered a methacholine asthma test he showed all the signs of being asthmatic but the mother never knew. In conclusion, It was such a crazy experience but also a great learning experience because I was able to use the materials we are learning in class in real-world experiences. 

October community service: 8 

Fall Semester total: 16.5


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