Entering into the New Season


November community service: 8.5

Fall Semester total: 25

Few weeks remaining in the semester and we are on the last modules of the fall semester. It has been about two weeks since Dr. Clarkson emailed the whole class informing us of the upcoming events/lectures that will take place in the last few weeks of this fall semester. Suddenly, it hit me that we have about three weeks in the semester and I am nearly halfway done with the program. I am truly proud of myself for watching my growth and expanding my learning techniques over the weeks. My study habits have changed in the most effective and beneficial way and this has been proven by the increased percentage of exams and independent quizzes. I have gained more self-confidence and assurance within myself these past few weeks by truly believing in myself and being more open to learning and studying from my fellow peers and doctorate professors. Also, volunteering at UMC has also changed my perspective on life, especially during this holiday season. While completing my hours at UMC every Tuesday, I realized that some incoming patients really do not have an actual cause of sickness or illness but simply just need a place to stay or comfort which for them is the waiting room. Even if it takes 10+ hours to see a medical professional that is content and at ease knowing they are at a place of warmth and people around them. On other occasions, I have observed many of the incoming visits in the emergency unit are people who do not follow up with their health appointments, ran out of medications, and whose cause of illness/pain has worsened or simply do not keep up with their health by lack of exercise, unhealthy foods or toxic habits (smoking and drinking). The knowledge and teaching from lectures and experiences so far in the UMC I then concluded many of these illnesses resulted in poor habitats of the individual and worsened over time. Overall this program has expanded my knowledge of medicine and most importantly applied information taught in lectures in the real world.


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