Halfway Through the Program

January community service: 5

Spring Semester total: 5

Winding down to the last few months left in the program and I can honestly say I am excited but also nervous. I am excited about what the future holds for me and my journey to becoming a physician is getting closer and closer, however the feeling of taking national exams and the intensity of this semester's test-taking (shorter time, more challenging modules). In all, I am truly proud of myself for the growth, lessons, advice, and assistance from staff, professors, and also ms2 students. The journey of completing this program made it a lot easier for me. Thankful to UMC nurses and medical liaisons for the small teaching moments in helping me with my medical career. Every Tuesday you never know what is expected to come in those double doors of the emergency room but in all the different cases of patients it makes it even more interesting and fun. This semester I am hoping to expand my knowledge and carry the information learned in lectures to reality while volunteering in the hospital. Last semester, with many of the modules and drugs we were learning, I was grateful enough to see how physicians used them in different cases of emergencies regarding trauma, patient contradictions, and the health state of the individual. As we are winding down the last few months of this semester and program I am very grateful to have such an amazing faculty/program coordinator support in guiding and leading us to become the best physicians in our communities.


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